Take Heart For the HOMELESS

Take Heart For the HOMELESS to support the S.H.I.P Program

The Sheriff Homeless Improvement Program is an innovative new program at the Albany County Correctional and Rehabilitative Services Center designed to utilize extra space due to declining inmate population to provide adequate transitional housing to assist homeless individuals with a clean independent housing atmosphere so that they can get their lives back on track. These individuals would also have the opportunity to get connected with other services to assist them in being successful when they move into their own permanent housing. This program helps men, women and children.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated! Please note that only new items can be accepted.

Items can be dropped off at the following location:

Albany Broadcasting (6 Johnson Road - Latham, NY 12110) on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10:30am- 6pm for the month of February. 

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