High Speed Chase Ends at Historic Menands Building on Wednesday

Doug Kerr, Flickr Creative Commons

Work was disrupted at a busy office complex when the suspect ran

The building that was once a retail store and distribution center for the now defunct Montgomery Ward department chain was briefly a crime scene on Wednesday. 

It all started when police tried to pull over a vehicle on 1st Street in Troy, but the driver took off. Eventually, cops laid down spike strips, which popped two of the vehicle's tires. The driver finally stopped the car near exit 6 on 787, but got out and ran into the nearby Riverview Center, a large office building on Broadway in Menands. 

Police caught the suspect, who was then taken to the hospital because it was believed he had drugs in his system. 

An investigation is underway related to drugs and weapons at a home on 3rd Street in Troy. 

Riverview Center was built in 1929 and operated as a Montgomery Ward department store until the 1980's. The one million square foot building has since been renovated as a mixed use facility and is now home to several different businesses and companies. 

feature photo: Doug Kerr, Flickr Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0). Changes made: cropped, resized

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